Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Philippine Star and the "Running Stars"

On my way home from the Men's Health Miracle Run in UP, I grabbed a copy of The Philippine Star not just for the usual reason of updating myself with various forms of insanities, mostly from Philippine Politics, but for a special reason.
Almost 7,000 people who joined the Condura Run have been looking forward to this issue and I'm one of them.
The Philippine Star have dedicated one full section of their March 29, 2009 issue to the race. It includes several articles, photographs, and more importantly, the names of all the race finishers.
You may need a magnifying glass to see our names but it still made joining the race more memorable, specially for me, because It's my first Half Mary and I'm proud to have finished it.


  1. Congrats for finishing your first half marathon race. Now its official, you're on the books. Welcome to the club.

  2. Thanks...'tis a pleasure to be a part of your "club" :)

  3. bro! full-mary na tayo sa october! =)

  4. Full - Mary? Nyaaaah!!! Mataga-tagal na prep yan :)
